Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why Choose Organic or Natural Bath Products?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Simple and Green?

I discovered the joy of using Simple Green as a stain remover lately!  I was at Kate's one day, and we were talking about getting ready for Christmas when I spilled my Venti Stirred Mocha with whip down the front of a brand new white tee!  Not unusual for me, but I went into the bathroom and found the Simple Green and sprayed it on there, and agitated it, let it sit, and washed it out.  My brand new shirt was white again!  I have been using it on all sorts of laundry stains- my 7 year old's play clothes, my 9 year old's even worse play clothes (who ever said girls were neater?), and last but not least, I tripped over my dog Bear the other day, splashed my mocha everywhere, and I immediately ran for the Simple Green.  The Chocolate Coffee mess disappeared before my eyes!  This is one thing you want to keep on hand in your cleaning arsenal, along with your baking soda and borax!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Carpet Refresher!

I'll start off this blog by sharing a recipe for a carpet refresher I make often with my two elderly cats, my 100 lb lap dog, and my 3 messy kids!

2 cups Borax
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
20 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Mix all together in a large bowl- let sit for about 15 minutes (I usually move furniture and pick up things I don't want to vacuum during this time!) Sprinkle on carpet using large spoon or measuring cup, paying careful attention to where your dog likes to lay. Let sit on carpet at least 20 more minutes being careful not to let your pets walk through- I doubt they want to lick Borax off their paws! Vacuum well. This mixture should also repel insects, ants and fleas. I actually end up making a double batch - one for upstairs, one for downstairs.